Although this is not such a common pet such as dogs or cats, for obvious reasons, it is still less important because, after all, plays an important goal as mentioned above: the company, the samples affection, friendship ..
Horse Care:
Like any living thing, the horse needs a minimum living space where you feel comfortable. A very small habitat maintenance can cause it to take a rest and remain 'trapped' with the legs towards the walls of the stable. In desperation the animal can get hurt and even to arise fractures.
Vaccination in the case of horses, vaccination should be done regularly, especially those specimens that are frequently transported to competitions and other events.
Deworming: internal and external. It is a basic practice that reduces the risk of digestive problems caused by parasites and problems of poor body condition.
Dental care: health is vital to the veterinarian perform regular dental check and, if necessary, must file the form odontofitos commonly (approximately six months).
Health Care: It is important that the veterinarian perform a comprehensive review at least twice a year. Moreover, in case of colic is important assist you as soon as possible, before such problems, the sooner they receive medical help, the better the chances of recovery.
Food: the horse needs adequate food according to its species, breed, age and activity level. Ensuring a good diet, you can avoid serious health problems such as anemia, obesity, and many other Epiphysitis.
Character and habits:
Brain mechanisms that control the emotional response of the horse are very similar to those of human beings, as occurs in other domestic species such as the dog and cat. Historically, man has considered horses as living beings with a sharp intelligence. However, recently it has begun to think of them as animals capable of feeling emotions such as fear or aggression.
The horse is a herd animal and needs to communicate with other members of the herd. This powerful instinct is always present, so try to get back together with your fellow species or stay with them, as this gives you security. With its communication system can transmit basic emotions and establish a dominance hierarchy without violence. Domestic horses treat humans as members of their pack, so use the same body language to communicate with the owner.
Moreover, defense mechanisms, ie, physical fitness to move away quickly from the threat of attack and possession of highly developed senses, are oriented primarily toward the flight as a means of survival. This explains the nervous and excitable horse nature. They usually are not aggressive animals and prefer to flee to combatir.Son indeed sensitive to air and are able to assess the mood of his rider, becoming somewhat in the mirror of the person who mounted. They have the ability to perceive the moment factors such as shyness or hesitation of human beings, as well as trust and value. The body language of horses is extensive and specific. His face and body have basic indicators of mood and behavior, it is necessary to know to have a better relationship with the pet.
A good start :If
you never had a horse or has had contact with them , it is convenient
to start with a copy that is docile and is used to being mounted . If you are a male , you'd better be castrated . The reason for choosing it is that castrated a young and vigorous
animal can smell for miles a female in heat and get nervous and
rebellious , which alters their normal behavior , and if you can not
drive , can be tricky.A
mare of about seven, mongrel , of good character , well tamed , used to
people and nice physical appearance is ideal to have the first contact
with the equine world . If a very young specimen is chosen , you need to be educated.
To do this , it will require the help of an expert who not only have to tame the animal, but to teach new patterns rider to maintain discipline and not being overcome by it . At this point some technique and experience are necessary.As for how to handle the horse , you have to approach it from the front, making sure that you can hear . When near , should reach out to sniff . Pat on the neck serves to show that there is no fear.
To do this , it will require the help of an expert who not only have to tame the animal, but to teach new patterns rider to maintain discipline and not being overcome by it . At this point some technique and experience are necessary.As for how to handle the horse , you have to approach it from the front, making sure that you can hear . When near , should reach out to sniff . Pat on the neck serves to show that there is no fear.
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