What is an equine colic? What to do if your horse is suffering from colic? How to avoid them?. We show in this section the different types of horses suffering from colic. Learn how to detect equine colic and what to do if your horse is experiencing one:
Colic can be of different types , the most common include:Spasmodic colic : fluctuating pain occurs in the horse.Biliary colic : produced by the passage of a bile duct calculation .Renal colic : due to the passage of a stone through the urinary tract .Torsion colic : caused by torsion of horse intestine .This is stomach cramp suffered by the horse that may be due to multiple causes ; the most common are:* A sudden change in the animal's diet .* A surfeit .* A parasitic infestation.Symptoms : We may notice that the horse is suffering from colic if we see that is restless , stir and start to sweat.treatment:* Prohibit eating or drinking.* Prevent wallow and prepare a hearty bed if you see that you can not stop.* If these pains prolongen should call the vetHere is a list of horse veterinary Spain organized by provinces and localitiesHorse Veterinarians in SpainEtymologically the term " colic " means " colon pain ." Nowadays the meaning of this word has spread and is now considered colic any localized pain in the abdominal cavity. In short , these digestive ailments characterized by pain and
accompanying functional alterations and even the topography of the
viscera of the abdominal cavity.All of us related to the world of horses have occasionally heard the
dreaded colic, which currently account for between 15 and 20 % of
clinical acts that develops dedicated to equine veterinary medicine.Colic is definitely the main cause of death in horses. To know this disease , its symptoms and treatments, is therefore of vital importance to any caregiver.
The horse is undoubtedly the animal that suffers from colic; the cause is closely related to many and varied issues that have to do with the physical characteristics and behavior of the animal.
One of the most important is that which is determined by their own anatomical conditions of the horses, they have a bowel with a length of 30-35 meters and a marked variation in size. To this should be added a reduced stomach size, characterized by a fast gastric transit, leading to daytime repeatedly need to empty its content, sending the intestine with insufficient degree of food digestion.
Another fundamental reasons are errors in nutrition; mainly related to the quality and quantity of the supplied intake.But
we must also take into account the work done daily animal , excessive
exercise , colds , cold drinks administration ... are all risk factors
that put the horse in perfect condition to be " attacked " by a colic.<
> DETERMINING CAUSES OF DISEASE : Colic can be defined as pain
perceived by the animal suffering from an acute abdomen with
localization in the gastrointestinal tract or genitourinary organs . We know that animals perceive pain , because it generates a set of negative anomalies for the entire body. The
main causes of colic in horses can be found in the food itself and on
gastrointestinal parasites * food law: . * A poor diet. * Excessive dieting . * Diet consists of very very rich in energy or protein-rich foods * Diet bit too much digestible crude fiber. * Hard water , water in sufficient quantity or when administered - too cold or contaminated. Parasites
of the digestive system is the most common cause of colic in horses : -
up to 30% in stabled animals and 90% in wild animals . * Routine deworming reduces colic presenting considerably.< > < > < > DISEASE SYMPTOMS < >If a horse is suffering from colic , give clear signs of it. Should be aware , the sooner we intercept the disease , the more likely we will have to heal the animal
First observation of the general condition and behavior of the horse for a few minutes is important. A
horse with colic box will clear signs of concern : go from side to side
of the box or picket, dig or scratch the floor , made frequent
changes of position ( lying down and rising ) , expresses pain with
distressing looks oriented edges , tends to throw caution or abruptly and generally wallow . If you suspect that there is a disease , we observed a number of other important signs :* The size of the abdomen ( increase in one or both sides ) , wounds and injuries that occur from the intense pain. * The presence of food in the feeder. * No urine in bed. * Possible difficulty urinating . * Changes in the stool . *
Heavy sweating , with significant loss of water and electrolytes ( if
not replenished lead to a state of shock). CONDUCT SEGUIREn observe if
any of the aforementioned symptoms , they should we contact to
veterinarian immediately. Rapid
intervention professional is essential because it is the only one able
to determine the actual diagnosis and appropriate treatment ; It shall withdraw after an exhaustive analysis of the animal. Furthermore, and no less important , will soothe the pain and try to restore normal digestive function . In addition , a number of preventive measures that can be performed: * Prohibit eating or drinking. *
Prevent wallow and prepare a hearty bed if you see that you can not
fail to do so.The treatment, which should always be determined by the
veterinarian, will depend on the cause in which it occurred , but
generally rules the pain subsides to prevent self-harm antispasmodics and administered . In severe cases surgery may be necessary to save the life of animal.LA BEST CURE , PREVENTIONAs with any disease, prevent the onset of colic is always the best option . This requires reducing the causes that predispose to trigger a picture of this guy. Try
to correct abnormalities of the teeth, treatments must be carried out
against gastrointestinal parasites and cold drinks proscribe . Must be strictly controlled rationing , ie , the quality and quantity of food provided . It
should be remembered that horses are extremely sensitive to any changes
in your diet , which can be a major cause of disease. If the horse stabled is found, it will be convenient to distribute food in divided doses daily. We
must remember that horses , by their anatomy , can not vomit ,
therefore , can produce gastric dilatation , with the risk of rupture
and subsequent death of the body . If the colic is detected early , the animal almost certainly heal . His
condition is right after the disease depend on several points , as the
cause itself that caused the colic, the speed with which the first
symptoms are recognized, the immediate implementation of appropriate
treatment , response to treatment performed , the presence of systemic complications ( dehydration , shock , etc.) and the restoration of normal gastrointestinal physiology .
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