jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014

Myths of the White Horse

The White Horse in India
In ancient India, a white horse was sacrificed in order to ensure the prosperity of the kingdom. Let loose the most beautiful white horse of the kingdom in a northeasterly direction. The Crown Prince and some young warriors, all movements should continue for a year.
These were to preserve their freedom and, above all, prevent be paired with any mare. Incarnation of the sun, his career was sacred and belonged territories officially crossed the sovereign.
When one year has elapsed, the horse returned to its starting point (pushed by the riders) the time of his death approached. This solar rite was practiced as the end of a reign, in order that the sovereign transmit it to his eldest son, his glory and his country.

White horses in Persia
The Persians attributed an important religious role for white horses. The inhabitants of Cilicia had to give him one day to the king of Persia, who was the incarnation of Mithra, the god of light and the owner of vast pastures. Mithra driving a chariot drawn by four white horses immortal. White horses were slaughtered in a cult dedicated to this God

White horses in China

In China, revered white mares Kubilay Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan and the first Chinese emperor, founder of the Yuan Dynasty.
At the time of white spring festival, relatives of Khan met thousand mares and stallions immaculate whiteness. When these mares passed through the country, no one dared to cross the road. Approach was considered a desecration. As the "son of heaven" and its closest relatives could drink the milk of mares sacred.

the Celts
The Celts also honored the horses. At his death, the horses were not eaten or left to be eaten by vultures or scavengers predators, but were buried.
White horses were consecrated, particularly mares, as symbols of fertility. The chiefs involved in fertility rites with white mares in order to bring prosperity to his people.
As we have seen, the white horse has played an important role in different cultures throughout history.

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