Forage dietHay
and straw are the staple food but it all depends on the type of herbal
composition, the amount of fertilizer and time of collection . The late harvest forage has less minerals and proteins ; know their characteristics is essential to know the additional nutrients that we bring to horse feed .- Hay : takes a lot of nutrients. It
can usually contain poisonous plants that horses can not tell , but
they are not dangerous because these substances eventually disappear
without harming the animal. You can eat all you want and if given moist , digests better.- Grass : provides lots of minerals ; in fact , they can survive only with her for a long time . However, physically belly fat , so it is not recommended for horses competing . They themselves will select the plant species they like .Special menus :According
to the Cattlemen's Association PRE Horse Community of Madrid ( Agama ) ,
we must take into account the characteristics of our animal and know
well their customs and daily activities to adapt their diet to this
specific lifestyle . Should maintain a constant diet, varied diet but with some control of
the amount , as these animals for their body structure, could be
continuously eating.Feed
him following certain routines to maintain stability and acquire a
permanent nutritional habits, without abrupt or sudden changes. Water
is very important : Reassuring a trough with clean water because it is
an essential for digestion and 60 % of its weight element . Try to avoid hard work , especially after his culinary moment .Providing a horse determined by weighing . Thus, the consumption will be 2% of the latter , ie , about 2 k . per 100 k . bodyweight. Convenient
for an animal to perform an intense ration would be 25 % grass and hay
and 75% grain while working for a medium would be 50 % and 50%. The food or basic maintenance of between 100% and 70% forage and between 0% and 30% of concentrate feed .
Sweet prizes:As nutritional supplements to cover gaps , we suggest foods or
supplements that act against deficiencies for fur, skin and hooves.-
Carrots : bring mainly beta carotene and are a good addition to the
diet , although it should be washed to remove sand as the remains in the
horse's stomach can cause colic . Boiled barley is also excellent, especially in winter.- Cod Liver Oil : highly recommended for animals that do not have at their disposal vegetation outdoors.- Linseed oil : helps in digestion and gives shine to hair .- Boiled Linseed : combined with other foods is a major protein intake .The
special treats like cookies carrot for horse are provided with a
perfect combination of deficiency and nutrients , especially those
intended to run in races. Other products like sugar cubes , stimulate the animal in your
relationship with yourself , with others and especially with you,
because they will not easily forget who sweetens her life.culinary .Providing a horse determined by weighing . Thus, the consumption will be 2% of the latter , ie , about 2 k . per 100 k . bodyweight. Convenient for an animal to perform an intense ration would be 25 % grass and hay and 75% grain while working for a medium would be 50 % and 50%. The food or basic maintenance of between 100% and 70% forage and between 0% and 30% of concentrate feed .
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