jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014

The vision of the equine

The horse's eyes are on both sides of the head , not the front like humans or cats ... Each eye transmits a different view through the optic nerves to the brain cells . Usually, each eye sees its part, only when looking straight ahead with his face perpendicular to the ground , you can define both eyes simultaneously toward the same point in space. Some breeds with extremely wide-set eyes , and fail to get it .The horse has a view of the field than human , if both are in the same place and directing his gaze to the same place.In his work with chair or pulling a carriage, which has panoramic views , continues informing everything that happens in their surroundings . Your reaction to threats or curiosities received by this sense are not usually liking towards humans . This means that when you will jump over large obstacles or galloping at high speed, a horse that is sustained with strong reins, will rebel against them by not allowing him to put his head and neck as needed to see and observe .When running , you can see whether he pursues an animal , you are reaching a vehicle, such as whether there are obstacles on his forehead.

Perhaps with this perceived lack of clarity, lack of binocular vision and Finida, which provides three-dimensional vision, and a perfect sense of depth, as it happens to us, do you see things in a single plane and few details.
The eyes normally remain stationary in their cavities. Although the moves when the horse suffers severe stress after periods of play or when yawning. Many are those who have seen the eyes of a horse when they're scared, they're easy to remember.

Being the eyes in the position I have explained before, obviously you can not see anything that is near the center of your face. This is the reason why rose sharply either the head or the tour or even both together, when a visitor with little experience with horses, try to touch your forehead directly.
How to pet a horse in the face is hand rising slowly from below and touching the jaw, neck, the lips and the sides of the face, before trying elsewhere.
A proof of the confidence of the horse in your caregiver is that it can touch directly on the forehead without causing withdrawal

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