jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014

Rick Johnson is on the gate and looking relaxed

I used to love taking pre-moto-waiting-at-the-gate shots.

Here's Rick Johnson back in the days of open face helmets, with his Scott goggle/face protector combo waiting on the handlebars...just how cool were those Scott face masks?  Think Bailey wore them more than anyone.  On a 1 to 10 scale, those things were an 11.

That's Dave Hollis in the Fox jersey...and the umbrella holder looks to be none other than Ron Heben, who went on to be a successful racing director for several other companies.

Can anyone name the guy in front wearing the Yammy shirt?

It's fun to look at Retro MX racing shots...but seeing the personalities up close brings back vivid memories.

Kent Howerton started the freestyle craze

The more things change...the more they stay the same.  Maybe Kent Howerton was 25 years early, but there's no doubt in my mind that in this shot, he's attempting to set up for a 360 degree flip! Just check out the body English and front end correction and I'm sure you can agree he's ready to blip the throttle and pull back hard...

OK, maybe I do live in a dream world, but in its day, the top factory riders were super heroes.  We loved it when they'd "get air" and it was just as exciting then, as  what is produced now. Bottom line, these guys generated great racing (better racing than today?) and packed in crowds all over the USA. I am proud to have been part of that wonderful era in the sport.

Broc Glover pulled big air at Daytona

Here's another photo that supports my theory that moto stars in the early 1980's got big air...it's the Golden Boy, Broc Glover, catching some sky off an infield jump at Daytona.  Heck, the guy must be at least eight (8) feet off the ground!

I'm not going to apologize, Broc and the other factory stars, in their day, gave just as big of an adrenaline rush as today's X Games Step Up competition.  Sure, step up dudes are getting few feet higher, but in my day this was more than what we needed, or expected.

Great racing and entertainment comes in many forms and packages...I sure enjoyed the show when I was covering the circuit in what I know were very special years in my life.

Mike Bell makes a great face while berm busting

Here's more facial expression for your enjoyment. Mike Bell goes open face and lets us see how it looks when you're rocket fast and hungry for a win.

Marty Smith caps a career

I came onto the scene during Marty Smith's final years on the National circuit; he was finishing up riding for factory Suzuki. I always enjoyed watching him ride and getting quotes for my Cycle News articles.  He was respectful and friendly and made me feel welcome in the sport. Class act, always was, always will be.

Barnett was almost perfect

I don't need to ham up every image with a lot of verbiage.

Here's Barnett getting it done.  Perfection. enjoy.

Hannah went fast...despite an aggressive fork rake angle

You really can't get enough of Bob Hannah...at least on the race track during my era as Cycle News East reporter in the early 1980's.  These tight side shots allow for a close inspection of the latest in factory prototypes for the era.  What strikes me is the overall size of Bob's YZ, in comparison to the motocross bikes we see today.  The retro bikes were relatively tiny in perspective to the rider; and that said, we know The Hurricane is not a large human being to begin with.

I also like to note the rake/fork angle on this bike...isn't it a bit chopper like? I'm not an engineer, but would have to assume the Yamaha designers were looking for an aggressive wheelbase.  And once again, the simplicity of the air-cooled engine made it possible for most anyone to grab a set of metrics and go to work.

Maybe overall, it wasn't better or worse, just different.  But I look back with fondness as the personalities and machinery of my time on the National MX circuit.

Glover negotiates deep ruts

Supercross configurations may have been on the timid side in the early 1980's, but that didn't make them an easier to ride.

Broc Glover shows the proper technique for getting through a bike-swallowing rut.

Once again, the open face helmet allows for a full frontal view of Broc's concentration.

Retro Motocross readers...help me out and let me know who's chasing Broc on the Kawasaki.  Is it Breker or Ward?

The 30 second board is sideways...

I didn't get to make too many start line photos, as I was most times positioned down the track, to make the money shot as the pack squirreled its way through the first turn.
Here's a great image taken after the 30 second board went sideways...and in those days it was a zebra-striped AMA official turning the board...not a Monster girl.
Note Steve Martin (29) going open face and letting his fingers get light on the clutch lever.  I used to love the snort of two-strokes amplified x 40.  There's something about that sound, high octane fuel and race grade oil that brought chills down my spine.
The sport did move on, but there's no reason we can't stop and take a moment...to respect a moment in time.

The vision of the equine

The horse's eyes are on both sides of the head , not the front like humans or cats ... Each eye transmits a different view through the optic nerves to the brain cells . Usually, each eye sees its part, only when looking straight ahead with his face perpendicular to the ground , you can define both eyes simultaneously toward the same point in space. Some breeds with extremely wide-set eyes , and fail to get it .The horse has a view of the field than human , if both are in the same place and directing his gaze to the same place.In his work with chair or pulling a carriage, which has panoramic views , continues informing everything that happens in their surroundings . Your reaction to threats or curiosities received by this sense are not usually liking towards humans . This means that when you will jump over large obstacles or galloping at high speed, a horse that is sustained with strong reins, will rebel against them by not allowing him to put his head and neck as needed to see and observe .When running , you can see whether he pursues an animal , you are reaching a vehicle, such as whether there are obstacles on his forehead.

Perhaps with this perceived lack of clarity, lack of binocular vision and Finida, which provides three-dimensional vision, and a perfect sense of depth, as it happens to us, do you see things in a single plane and few details.
The eyes normally remain stationary in their cavities. Although the moves when the horse suffers severe stress after periods of play or when yawning. Many are those who have seen the eyes of a horse when they're scared, they're easy to remember.

Being the eyes in the position I have explained before, obviously you can not see anything that is near the center of your face. This is the reason why rose sharply either the head or the tour or even both together, when a visitor with little experience with horses, try to touch your forehead directly.
How to pet a horse in the face is hand rising slowly from below and touching the jaw, neck, the lips and the sides of the face, before trying elsewhere.
A proof of the confidence of the horse in your caregiver is that it can touch directly on the forehead without causing withdrawal

Myths of the White Horse

The White Horse in India
In ancient India, a white horse was sacrificed in order to ensure the prosperity of the kingdom. Let loose the most beautiful white horse of the kingdom in a northeasterly direction. The Crown Prince and some young warriors, all movements should continue for a year.
These were to preserve their freedom and, above all, prevent be paired with any mare. Incarnation of the sun, his career was sacred and belonged territories officially crossed the sovereign.
When one year has elapsed, the horse returned to its starting point (pushed by the riders) the time of his death approached. This solar rite was practiced as the end of a reign, in order that the sovereign transmit it to his eldest son, his glory and his country.

White horses in Persia
The Persians attributed an important religious role for white horses. The inhabitants of Cilicia had to give him one day to the king of Persia, who was the incarnation of Mithra, the god of light and the owner of vast pastures. Mithra driving a chariot drawn by four white horses immortal. White horses were slaughtered in a cult dedicated to this God

White horses in China

In China, revered white mares Kubilay Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan and the first Chinese emperor, founder of the Yuan Dynasty.
At the time of white spring festival, relatives of Khan met thousand mares and stallions immaculate whiteness. When these mares passed through the country, no one dared to cross the road. Approach was considered a desecration. As the "son of heaven" and its closest relatives could drink the milk of mares sacred.

the Celts
The Celts also honored the horses. At his death, the horses were not eaten or left to be eaten by vultures or scavengers predators, but were buried.
White horses were consecrated, particularly mares, as symbols of fertility. The chiefs involved in fertility rites with white mares in order to bring prosperity to his people.
As we have seen, the white horse has played an important role in different cultures throughout history.

The language of horses

The language of the horses comes from the language of the heart because, without any falsehood, is at all times as they are and feel.
Horses are very sensitive animals of prey that live in herds perfectly organized. Their survival depends on their ability to perceive any inconsistency in the environment. The safety of the herd requires continuous communication between its members.

How do horses communicate?
The most important form of communication for horses are emotions. If a pack member feels fear, the rest automatically and simultaneously responds run. They perceive the emotional message by way of information to know what attitude to take in an emergency. In herds, inconsistent attitudes among its members are not allowed because they can endanger the lives of everyone in danger. Therefore, mothers are very strict with their young.

The horse perceives and reflects how we feel at that moment

The horse can sense exactly what we feel in our stomach, in our heads and in our hearts. They are specialists in reading what happens inside us, and by your body language reflect our emotions and our fears. That is why we are said to have the innate ability to be mirrors ours.
As in the herd to survive consistency and respect is required, the horse does not respond to us when we are not acting in authentic way to our feelings. On the contrary, they will respond to our hidden emotions, many times, even we know.
The horses away from people who have stress on the body, for they are a threat. For most who do not live in packs, they always retain the prey animal instinct. However, if the person is focused, stress free and focused on his true emotions, the horse will relax and trust her. Horses relax when all members of the herd are in your body relaxed within the environment.

What can we learn from the way horses communicate?

We should learn from horses to openly communicate what really happens to us, what we feel, what our doubts, fears and strange sensations. Let's be aware of our thoughts and feelings as we we use the information to consistently live in the present, within the complex human society.

What do you hear a horse?

A horse realizes a wolf at such a distance that the rider has not seen and probably not even have heard . The horse sees it or not, it may be doubted , but the fact is that it has perceived the wolf. Way Horses collaborate together to great effect .The speakers of a stereo produce musical tones ranging from 20 decibels to 20,000 . The rest is inaudible to humans .The powers of the horses are much higher due to the large auditory spectrum. Detect footprints , wheels , whistles , vocals and storms long before us .
How hears a horse :His whole body is a receptor of sounds, so that the sound transmitted through the air is received by the ears and passed through the land is received by an amplification system formed by the feet, the inside of the ears and from the brain.The ears have a rotational spin on its axis , becoming even greater than 180 º allowing greater reception.The sense of hearing and their interpretations are as essential for her safety that any damage can cause great distress . They might even stop sleeping or eating do not know if a sound identification.It is also known that with their ears express your mood , for example, when they cast their ears back is a sign of fear.The sense of smell , hearing and touch allow the horse to discern such long distances that normally start with these senses your attention prior to the hearing .

We know the horse, a noble animal companion

There is no greater perfection in nature than that which can be seen in the movements of a horse running across the prairie. Ni no greater sense of freedom than that which is experienced when galloping on the back of this noble animal.
Although this is not such a common pet such as dogs or cats, for obvious reasons, it is still less important because, after all, plays an important goal as mentioned above: the company, the samples affection, friendship ..
Horse Care:
Like any living thing, the horse needs a minimum living space where you feel comfortable. A very small habitat maintenance can cause it to take a rest and remain 'trapped' with the legs towards the walls of the stable. In desperation the animal can get hurt and even to arise fractures.
Vaccination in the case of horses, vaccination should be done regularly, especially those specimens that are frequently transported to competitions and other events.

Deworming: internal and external. It is a basic practice that reduces the risk of digestive problems caused by parasites and problems of poor body condition.
Dental care: health is vital to the veterinarian perform regular dental check and, if necessary, must file the form odontofitos commonly (approximately six months).
Health Care: It is important that the veterinarian perform a comprehensive review at least twice a year. Moreover, in case of colic is important assist you as soon as possible, before such problems, the sooner they receive medical help, the better the chances of recovery.
Food: the horse needs adequate food according to its species, breed, age and activity level. Ensuring a good diet, you can avoid serious health problems such as anemia, obesity, and many other Epiphysitis.

Character and habits:
Brain mechanisms that control the emotional response of the horse are very similar to those of human beings, as occurs in other domestic species such as the dog and cat. Historically, man has considered horses as living beings with a sharp intelligence. However, recently it has begun to think of them as animals capable of feeling emotions such as fear or aggression.

The horse is a herd animal and needs to communicate with other members of the herd. This powerful instinct is always present, so try to get back together with your fellow species or stay with them, as this gives you security. With its communication system can transmit basic emotions and establish a dominance hierarchy without violence. Domestic horses treat humans as members of their pack, so use the same body language to communicate with the owner.
Moreover, defense mechanisms, ie, physical fitness to move away quickly from the threat of attack and possession of highly developed senses, are oriented primarily toward the flight as a means of survival. This explains the nervous and excitable horse nature. They usually are not aggressive animals and prefer to flee to combatir.Son indeed sensitive to air and are able to assess the mood of his rider, becoming somewhat in the mirror of the person who mounted. They have the ability to perceive the moment factors such as shyness or hesitation of human beings, as well as trust and value.
The body language of horses is extensive and specific. His face and body have basic indicators of mood and behavior, it is necessary to know to have a better relationship with the pet.

A good start :If you never had a horse or has had contact with them , it is convenient to start with a copy that is docile and is used to being mounted . If you are a male , you'd better be castrated . The reason for choosing it is that castrated a young and vigorous animal can smell for miles a female in heat and get nervous and rebellious , which alters their normal behavior , and if you can not drive , can be tricky.A mare of about seven, mongrel , of good character , well tamed , used to people and nice physical appearance is ideal to have the first contact with the equine world . If a very young specimen is chosen , you need to be educated.
To do this , it will require the help of an expert who not only have to tame the animal, but to teach new patterns rider to maintain discipline and not being overcome by it . At this point some technique and experience are necessary.As for how to handle the horse , you have to approach it from the front, making sure that you can hear . When near , should reach out to sniff . Pat on the neck serves to show that there is no fear.

Equine colic

What is an equine colic? What to do if your horse is suffering from colic? How to avoid them?. We show in this section the different types of horses suffering from colic. Learn how to detect equine colic and what to do if your horse is experiencing one:
Colic can be of different types , the most common include:Spasmodic colic : fluctuating pain occurs in the horse.Biliary colic : produced by the passage of a bile duct calculation .Renal colic : due to the passage of a stone through the urinary tract .Torsion colic : caused by torsion of horse intestine .This is stomach cramp suffered by the horse that may be due to multiple causes ; the most common are:* A sudden change in the animal's diet .* A surfeit .* A parasitic infestation.Symptoms : We may notice that the horse is suffering from colic if we see that is restless , stir and start to sweat.treatment:* Prohibit eating or drinking.* Prevent wallow and prepare a hearty bed if you see that you can not stop.* If these pains prolongen should call the vetHere is a list of horse veterinary Spain organized by provinces and localitiesHorse Veterinarians in SpainEtymologically the term " colic " means " colon pain ." Nowadays the meaning of this word has spread and is now considered colic any localized pain in the abdominal cavity. In short , these digestive ailments characterized by pain and accompanying functional alterations and even the topography of the viscera of the abdominal cavity.All of us related to the world of horses have occasionally heard the dreaded colic, which currently account for between 15 and 20 % of clinical acts that develops dedicated to equine veterinary medicine.Colic is definitely the main cause of death in horses. To know this disease , its symptoms and treatments, is therefore of vital importance to any caregiver.
The horse is undoubtedly the animal that suffers from colic; the cause is closely related to many and varied issues that have to do with the physical characteristics and behavior of the animal.
One of the most important is that which is determined by their own anatomical conditions of the horses, they have a bowel with a length of 30-35 meters and a marked variation in size. To this should be added a reduced stomach size, characterized by a fast gastric transit, leading to daytime repeatedly need to empty its content, sending the intestine with insufficient degree of food digestion.

Another fundamental reasons are errors in nutrition; mainly related to the quality and quantity of the supplied intake.But we must also take into account the work done daily animal , excessive exercise , colds , cold drinks administration ... are all risk factors that put the horse in perfect condition to be " attacked " by a colic.< > DETERMINING CAUSES OF DISEASE : Colic can be defined as pain perceived by the animal suffering from an acute abdomen with localization in the gastrointestinal tract or genitourinary organs . We know that animals perceive pain , because it generates a set of negative anomalies for the entire body. The main causes of colic in horses can be found in the food itself and on gastrointestinal parasites * food law: . * A poor diet. * Excessive dieting . * Diet consists of very very rich in energy or protein-rich foods * Diet bit too much digestible crude fiber. * Hard water , water in sufficient quantity or when administered - too cold or contaminated. Parasites of the digestive system is the most common cause of colic in horses : - up to 30% in stabled animals and 90% in wild animals . * Routine deworming reduces colic presenting considerably.< > < > < > DISEASE SYMPTOMS < >If a horse is suffering from colic , give clear signs of it. Should be aware , the sooner we intercept the disease , the more likely we will have to heal the animal
First observation of the general condition and behavior of the horse for a few minutes is important. A horse with colic box will clear signs of concern : go from side to side of the box or picket, dig or scratch the floor , made ​​frequent changes of position ( lying down and rising ) , expresses pain with distressing looks oriented edges , tends to throw caution or abruptly and generally wallow . If you suspect that there is a disease , we observed a number of other important signs :* The size of the abdomen ( increase in one or both sides ) , wounds and injuries that occur from the intense pain. * The presence of food in the feeder. * No urine in bed. * Possible difficulty urinating . * Changes in the stool . * Heavy sweating , with significant loss of water and electrolytes ( if not replenished lead to a state of shock). CONDUCT SEGUIREn observe if any of the aforementioned symptoms , they should we contact to veterinarian immediately. Rapid intervention professional is essential because it is the only one able to determine the actual diagnosis and appropriate treatment ; It shall withdraw after an exhaustive analysis of the animal. Furthermore, and no less important , will soothe the pain and try to restore normal digestive function . In addition , a number of preventive measures that can be performed: * Prohibit eating or drinking. * Prevent wallow and prepare a hearty bed if you see that you can not fail to do so.The treatment, which should always be determined by the veterinarian, will depend on the cause in which it occurred , but generally rules the pain subsides to prevent self-harm antispasmodics and administered . In severe cases surgery may be necessary to save the life of animal.LA BEST CURE , PREVENTIONAs with any disease, prevent the onset of colic is always the best option . This requires reducing the causes that predispose to trigger a picture of this guy. Try to correct abnormalities of the teeth, treatments must be carried out against gastrointestinal parasites and cold drinks proscribe . Must be strictly controlled rationing , ie , the quality and quantity of food provided . It should be remembered that horses are extremely sensitive to any changes in your diet , which can be a major cause of disease. If the horse stabled is found, it will be convenient to distribute food in divided doses daily. We must remember that horses , by their anatomy , can not vomit , therefore , can produce gastric dilatation , with the risk of rupture and subsequent death of the body . If the colic is detected early , the animal almost certainly heal . His condition is right after the disease depend on several points , as the cause itself that caused the colic, the speed with which the first symptoms are recognized, the immediate implementation of appropriate treatment , response to treatment performed , the presence of systemic complications ( dehydration , shock , etc.) and the restoration of normal gastrointestinal physiology .

Feeding the horses

Horses are creatures of great and stylish appearance whose body needs proper nourishment to support the breadth of its volume. For its apparent size , are special animals that require specific dietary care , especially if your horse is part of the equestrian world and competition.The eating habits of these animals are based on age, health and physical demands . The real secret of his power revolves around the structure, set on two stomachs that administer food entirely independently . Thus, the digestion of food portions is done , being responsible for digesting stomach grains while the small intestine nutrient melts through a bacteria .Eat to be happyThe order in which they are supplied foods is essential if your habits are healthy . It is important to keep a balanced diet because being overweight can greatly affect your health , attacking his agility. Horses are primarily independent animals who enjoy speed, something that largely depends on your mood .Other characters of his personality , like his temperament , can cause a change in nutrition. There are species that are surging to its owner at lunchtime . In this sense , it is best to deal with them patiently to become accustomed . For this it is best to follow based on carbohydrates, fiber and fats , minerals and protein diet.

Forage dietHay and straw are the staple food but it all depends on the type of herbal composition, the amount of fertilizer and time of collection . The late harvest forage has less minerals and proteins ; know their characteristics is essential to know the additional nutrients that we bring to horse feed .- Hay : takes a lot of nutrients. It can usually contain poisonous plants that horses can not tell , but they are not dangerous because these substances eventually disappear without harming the animal. You can eat all you want and if given moist , digests better.- Grass : provides lots of minerals ; in fact , they can survive only with her for a long time . However, physically belly fat , so it is not recommended for horses competing . They themselves will select the plant species they like .Special menus :According to the Cattlemen's Association PRE Horse Community of Madrid ( Agama ) , we must take into account the characteristics of our animal and know well their customs and daily activities to adapt their diet to this specific lifestyle . Should maintain a constant diet, varied diet but with some control of the amount , as these animals for their body structure, could be continuously eating.Feed him following certain routines to maintain stability and acquire a permanent nutritional habits, without abrupt or sudden changes. Water is very important : Reassuring a trough with clean water because it is an essential for digestion and 60 % of its weight element . Try to avoid hard work , especially after his culinary moment .Providing a horse determined by weighing . Thus, the consumption will be 2% of the latter , ie , about 2 k . per 100 k . bodyweight. Convenient for an animal to perform an intense ration would be 25 % grass and hay and 75% grain while working for a medium would be 50 % and 50%. The food or basic maintenance of between 100% and 70% forage and between 0% and 30% of concentrate feed .
Sweet prizes:As nutritional supplements to cover gaps , we suggest foods or supplements that act against deficiencies for fur, skin and hooves.- Carrots : bring mainly beta carotene and are a good addition to the diet , although it should be washed to remove sand as the remains in the horse's stomach can cause colic . Boiled barley is also excellent, especially in winter.- Cod Liver Oil : highly recommended for animals that do not have at their disposal vegetation outdoors.- Linseed oil : helps in digestion and gives shine to hair .- Boiled Linseed : combined with other foods is a major protein intake .The special treats like cookies carrot for horse are provided with a perfect combination of deficiency and nutrients , especially those intended to run in races. Other products like sugar cubes , stimulate the animal in your relationship with yourself , with others and especially with you, because they will not easily forget who sweetens her life.
culinary .Providing a horse determined by weighing . Thus, the consumption will be 2% of the latter , ie , about 2 k . per 100 k . bodyweight. Convenient for an animal to perform an intense ration would be 25 % grass and hay and 75% grain while working for a medium would be 50 % and 50%. The food or basic maintenance of between 100% and 70% forage and between 0% and 30% of concentrate feed .

rainbow treasure